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I Webinar di Gloreha

"Neuroplasticity and robotic rehabilitation"


Dr. Franco Molteni
Director of Villa Beretta
Rehabilitation Centre
Costa Masnaga – Italy

Alejandro Losana Ferrer
Physiotherapist at IRF La Salle
Madrid – Spain

“The role of robot-assisted therapy in patients after acquired brain injury.”


Kristýna Hoidekrová
Head of Research and Science team
Rehabilitation Centre Kladruby
External Lecture of First Faculty
of Medicine Charles University
Czech Republic

La riabilitazione neuropsicologica delle funzioni attentive"


Dott.ssa Alessandra Maietti
Psicologa esperta in neuropsicologia e Psicoterapeuta Cognitivo-Comportamentale; Dipartimento di Riabilitazione e Recupero Funzionale di Fondazione Poliambulanza, Brescia

"Training the brain not only the hand"


Mrs. Tatjana Jeglič
Head at Center Fizioterapije Ljubljana, Slovenia – IBITA Basic Course Instructor

Dr. Jui-Chi Lin
Chief Technology Officer & Occupational therapist

Mrs. Fen-Ling Kuo
Occupational Therapist

Mrs. Hsin-Chieh Lee
Occupational Therapist at Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital

"Riabilitazione funzionale robotica post-ictus: razionale ed esperienze"


Prof.ssa Bressi Federica
Prof Associato in Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa

Dott. Marco Bravi
Fisioterapista; Docente Corso di laurea in Fisioterapia, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

"Le traitement de la spasticité"


Mr Emmanuel Knapen
Directeur des soins

Mr Pascal Rigaux
Médecin de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation Centre Jacques Calvé de Berck (France)

Mme Emma Guettard
Kinésithérapeute To walk again (Herentals – Belgique)

"Innovative Ansätze in der Management- und Rehabilitationsbehandlung des neurologischen Patienten von der akuten / subakuten bis zur chronischem Phase"


Ullrich Thiel
Inhaber, Physiotherapeut und Therapieleiter bei Hellmuth
und Thiel Sensomotorik und Rehabilitation in Potsdam

Verena Klose
Teamleitung Ergotherapie Neurologisches Zentrum und Stellvertretende Leitung Ergotherapie bei BG Klinikum Bergmannstrost Halle GmbH



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    Gloreha Now Part of BTL Robotics!

    We are thrilled to announce that Idrogenet has been acquired by BTL Industries.
    As a result, Gloreha products are now included in the BTL Robotics catalogue.